December 15, 2010

havent been posting for a damn long period of time.

finally finished planning for the amazing race, almost 3 weeks of tough planning and meetings and the amazing race is finally done, awesome job guys! and we just have to wait for a month and a few days before we can actually play it. hope that it is a success

maybe now is not the best time to care about the amazing race, the cca fair is coming up people. on the 28th of december. that must be a guarantee success if not ill definitely die in the hands of my teachers mann. oh gosh, now i realized that the leaders and myself have been planning for the amazing race so much that we have been neglecting for the planning of the cca fair. hope the last final touches - preparation for the cca fair will be okay.. :(

the pile of homework i got back from the last day of school have not seem to be going down man. like my art, i still left with 37 more sketches to go and it seems impossible for me to finish it even before the sch reopens on the 4th of jan. and my other subs! fml. how i wish i can drop art right now so i can focus on my others subs! why is my studies so weak and i cannot drop art!!!!! arghm fuck the whole damn world!

bro's birthday coming and he will be 7! A MAN FINALLY! okay not really but still, a small grown up mann!

christmas celebration with my GRILFRIENDS ON THE 24TH! hahahaha! i cant wait!

just remember that the amazing race falls on my birthday eve! good golly. hahaha!

k bye!